Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I've Been Meaning to Write...

Have you ever had that itch where you're so inspired that you feel if you don't release it quickly enough you'll burst? Whether your choice of release is exercise, shopping, drawing or writing (or all!), the intensity of the feeling is the same. Often times I find myself at work, or in the car or listening to a song and something clicks and I find myself searching for a pen or a computer to get the words out before they slip my mind. Although circumstances like this are not ideal, it gives me a sense of assurance that writing is what I love to do. Sometimes it's the only thing that can clear my head. If i'm in a situation where I am unable to write, it make it almost impossible for me to function throughout the day!

Some of my favorite days I have the luxury of snuggling up on my couch with my laptop and a cup of coffee and let my mind purge my feelings. My fingers struggle to keep up and often times my coffee is cold by the time I reach to take a sip. But the bottom line is I love to write. Writing is what lifts my spirits and makes life bearable in even the worst of times. Writing lets you take bittersweet memories and set them in stone. Writing lets you take a scenario and change it around until it suits your liking. Writing lets you change where you are, who you are, and how you react to different things while at the same time allowing you to be true to yourself.

If you're fortunate enough to have found something that makes you feel this way, don't waste it. And most importantly, share it!

The world is an extraordinarily big place, but your voice can be heard if you let it.




"'Would you suggest writing as a career?' one of the young students asked me.
'Are you trying to be funny?' I asked him.
'No, no, i'm serious. Would you advise writing as a career?'
'Writing chooses you, you don't choose it.'"


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